Pastor George Eowan
Pastor George Eowan is the Lead Pastor of Gold River Chapel. He and his wife Anne enjoy ministering together, worshiping with God’s people and proclaiming the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
George is a graduate of the University of Southern California where he received his PhD in public policy and public administration. After many years of working in the world of politics and government, George gave his life to the Lord and began serving God in a variety of ways including praying with those in need, and teaching the Bible.
He believes that the key passage that directs Gold River Chapel is found in Acts 2:42

Pastor Wade Foster
Wade Foster is an assistant Pastor at Gold River Calvary Chapel. Wade enjoys teaching God's Word. However, his desire is to come alongside Christians and help them with their growth in Christ. Proverbs 3:5-6 is his go to Scripture.

Gary Galatioto
Gary Galatioto has lived in Sacramento all his life. He went to Sacramento High School then joined the Marine Corps in 1960. After 4 years in the Marine Corps he joined the California Highway Patrol where he retired after 31 years.
Gary and his wife, Mae, have been married for 45 year and, between them, have 4 children, 19 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren.
Neither Gary or Mae were particularly religious until suddenly in 2003 they both started saying they needed to start going to church. It was kinda like the song...Come to the altar..."Jesus is calling". I believe He was calling us because He knew we were going to need Him and boy did we need Hm. We started going to the Warehouse and shortly after being baptised, Gary was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer with 6 months to live and shortly after, Mae was diagnosed with breast cancer. By the grace of God we are both still here with no trace of cancer.
Gary has made the safety of GRCC and its congregation his personal responsibility.

Dave Clemmons
Dave Clemmons works with the Audio/Visual ministry. He grew up in Alabama and was raised in the Southern Baptist church. He became a Christian at eleven. Dave retired from the State of California as a Systems Programmer. Dave’s life verse is Philippians 1:21 - “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Dave and his wife Sandie serve wherever they’re needed in the church.

Ron Smith
Ron spent 40 years as a building contractor, specializing in luxury custom homes and lite commercial real estate.
Ron and his wife Julie Smith, an interior designer, enjoyed creating dream homes for their clients. They were married in 1980, they gave their lives to Jesus Christ and follow His teachings. They have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. Ron is currently a Board Member and Treasurer, and enjoys helping out where ever he is needed.
Gold River Calvary Chapel is a warm and loving church family, teaching from the Bible the inspired word of God.
Favorite verse, John 3:16.
We would love to have you came and see for yourself.